Kingston Food Photography - Menu Design & Poster Design

Kingston Food Photography - Menu Design & Poster Design 金斯顿食品摄影 之餐单设计&海报设计


Kingston Food Photography - Menu Design & Poster Design

Kingston Food Photography - Menu Design & Poster Design

Kingston Food Photography - Menu Design & Poster Design

Kingston Food Photography - Menu Design & Poster Design

This Chinese restaurant has recently launched the "Dim Sum" series, which in my opinion has some inherent advantages in terms of communication because of its wide audience, the perception does not need to convey the inner meaning of the food, and both Chinese and Western people have tried similar food in one way or another.
Therefore, I tried to use Chinese line drawings for the main body of the food. The background was mixed with some pan-East Asian Japanese elements and some white space, and then the color scheme was based on the interior of the store with warm tones and small cool tones. That's about it.

金斯顿食品摄影 之餐单设计&海报设计

这家中餐厅最近推出了“点心”系列,这个系列在我看来有一些先天的传播优势因为受众比较广泛 认知也不用二次传达食物的内在涵义 而且无论是中西方人群都或多或少的尝试过类似的吃法。
所以在食物主体上面我尝试了中式的线稿白描形式 背景上掺杂了一些泛东亚的日本元素和一些留白,然后配色上面参考了他们店内的陈设以暖色调为主配合小的冷调色块。 差不多就这样。


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